פתיחת ארון מוצרים

בעוד כמה רגעים האור הירוק בארון יידלק ואז יהיה ניתן לפתוח אותו, נא להמתין בבקשה בסבלנות עד שזה יקרה.

לאחר פתיחת הארון

Please collect the product you purchased and gently close the closet – make sure the closet is locked.

For your purchased there are product bags near the closet, feel free to use.

Opening Product door

In a few moments the green light inside the close will light up – then Open the door. please wait patiently until that happens.

After Opening

You can enter one of the available rooms, inside the rooms there are explanations of operation and recommendations for time spent in the machine!
We recommend following the instructions to enjoy a quality and controlled tan.